UMEM Educational Pearls - Visual Diagnosis


Patient presents with leg and ankle pain after a fall 3 weeks earlier. Initial ankle Xrays were negative. Patient presents today with persistent leg and ankle pain. What's the diagnosis and what other imaging would you perform and why?


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25 year-old male with the acute onset of right flank pain. Ultrasound of the right flank is shown. What's the diagnosis?

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35 year-old male presents with increasing difficulty swallowing and tenderness in the floor of him mouth. What's the diagnosis?

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25 year-old male with autoimmune enteropathy presents with intractable vomiting and diarrhea for 7 days. What's the diagnosis?

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How many abnormalities can you find below?

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35 year-old female presents with acute leg pain and swelling. What's the diagnosis?

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6 day-old child is brought in by parents with 1 day of reduced oral intake and 4 hours of rapid breathing. The child has no fever and no significant birth history. The child is tachycardic, hypotensive, and hypoxic. What’s the diagnosis? 

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45 year-old male complains of pleuritic chest pain following a "long" flight. What's the diagnosis and what's this sign called?

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28 year-old male felt his left knee "pop" after landing from a jump. He has limited ability to extend his knee. Xray shown. What's the diagnosis?

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Patient presents with right shoulder pain following minor trauma. What's the diagnosis....and what's the Cunningham technique?

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Elderly male presents with the skin findings below. He is also on a medication for atrial fibrillation. What's the diagnosis?

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60 year-old male presents with 6 months of weight loss,epistaxis, and increased headache when bending over. What's the diagnosis?

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60 year-old male presents with rhinorrhea, body aches, and dry cough for two days. He recently moved here from Kentucky. What’s the diagnosis (please note that there are several differentials based on CXR)?



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A male patient presents with right lower quadrant pain. The ultrasound is shown at the point of maximal tenderness. The diameter of the structure (image on right) is about 0.94cm. What is this structure and what's the diagnosis?

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Category: Visual Diagnosis

Title: What's the Diagnosis?

Posted: 12/29/2014 by Haney Mallemat, MD (Emailed: 12/30/2014) (Updated: 12/30/2014)
Click here to contact Haney Mallemat, MD


19 year-old male complaining of left arm pain one week after injecting anabolic steroids into his sholder. What's the diagnosis?

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Category: Visual Diagnosis

Title: What's the Diagnosis?

Posted: 12/21/2014 by Haney Mallemat, MD (Emailed: 12/23/2014) (Updated: 12/23/2014)
Click here to contact Haney Mallemat, MD


Hand pain following fist versus face. What's the diagnosis and what nerve block would you use?

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A patient is intubated for respiratory failure and the post-intubation CXR is shown on the left. 30 minutes later the patient desaturates and another CXR is obtained (the one on the right). What’s the diagnosis and what should you do?

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Patient was found in a house fire and was given a certain medication in the Emergency Room. The patient’s urine turned this color (red), what’s the diagnosis?

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Patient presents with dyspnea. What's the diagnosis and name three potential causes (can be specific to the case or in general)?

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Patient with syncope and then falls down the stairs. What's the diagnosis? (hint: be very,very careful)

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