UMEM Educational Pearls

Category: Toxicology

Title: Pink Disease - Acrodynia

Keywords: mercury (PubMed Search)

Posted: 12/26/2013 by Fermin Barrueto, MD (Updated: 7/22/2024)
Click here to contact Fermin Barrueto, MD

Though an uncommon exposure, it can occur from chronic mercury exposure. One mode of exposure that I have seen is with elemental mercury thermometers that were broken to collect the beads of mercury - for entertainment. This occurred in a child's room and were forgotten.  One child presented with personality changes and pink hands and feet. The patient suffered from severe mercury poisoning and acrodynia due to prolonged exposure to the mercury vapor. 

Acrodynia or Pink Disease includes:

Irritability, shyness, photophobia, pink discoloration of the hands and feet and polyneuritis.


Category: International EM

Title: Happy holidays! And rabies management....

Keywords: rabies, vaccine, immunoglobulin, infectious disease, international (PubMed Search)

Posted: 12/25/2013 by Andrea Tenner, MD
Click here to contact Andrea Tenner, MD

Case Presentation:

A 10 year old boy presents with a dog bite sustained 3 days ago, during a family trip to India.  He has no prior history of vaccination and, at the time, he was taken to a local clinic where the wound was irrigated and he received a rabies vaccine.

Clinical Question:

Now that his has come to your ED 3 days later, is there anything further to be done?


This patient should also receive rabies immunoglobulin (RIG) and complete his post-exposure prophylaxis. Post-exposure prophylaxis is a combination of rabies vaccine and rabies immunoglobulin (RIG).


  • Infiltrate the wound and surrounding tissue RIG 20 IU/kg (if human RIG) or 40 IU/kg (if equine RIG). 
  • Can be administered up to 7 days after the first vaccine. 


  • Several vaccine regimens are approved by the WHO. Based on the CDC guidelines, vaccination should be administered at day 0, 3, 7 and 14. 
  • Had the patient received rabies immunization prior to travel, he would only need 2 vaccines should be given on days 0 and 3. 
  • Thus our patient needs RIG today and 3 more vaccinations (one today and then  one at days 7 and 14)

Bottom Line:

  • Travelers at highest risk are individuals visiting families in endemic areas.
  • Often times, rabies IG is not available but can be administered up to 7 days after initial vaccination. 

University of Maryland Section of Global Emergency Health

Author: Jenny Reifel Saltzberg


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The morbidity and mortality from pseudomonas aeruginosa infections is high and empiric double-antibiotic coverage (DAC) is sometimes given; quality evidence for this practice is lacking.

Although there is little supporting data, the following reasons have been given for DAC:

  • DAC provides better empiric coverage through differing mechanisms of antibiotic action
  • DAC prevents the emergence of antibiotic resistance during therapy

The potential harm of antibiotic overuse cannot be ignored, however, and include adverse reaction, microbial resistance, risk of super-infection with other organisms (e.g., Clostridium difficile), and cost.

There may be a signal in the literature demonstrating a survival benefit when using DAC for patients with shock, hospital-associated pneumonia, or neutropenia. The IDSA guidelines, however, do not support DAC for neutropenia alone; only with neutropenia plus pneumonia or gram-negative bacteremia.

Bottom line: Little data supports the routine use of DAC in presumed pseudomonal infection. It may be considered in patients with shock, hospital-associated pneumonia, or neutropenia (+/- pneumonia), but consult your hospital’s antibiogram or ID consultant for local practices.

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Patient with a history of osteogenesis imperfecta presents with right lateral chest pain following a sneeze. The ultrasound of his chest is shown (hint: arrow points to a rib). What's the diagnosis? 

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Metoprolol Usage Cardioprotective

  • Intravenous (IV) metoprolol is sparingly used in STEMI given concern about precipitation of cardiogenic shock (COMMIT/CCS-2 Trial)
  • A recent study (n=220) looked at usage of IV metoprolol versus controls in patients with STEMI and a killip class II or less prior to primary PCI
  • MRI was preformed 5-7 days after STEMI revealing reduced infarct size and increased left ventricular ejection fraction in the IV metoprolol group
  • IV beta-blockade appears cardioprotective in those with a low killip score and should be considered prior to primary PCI in certain subgroups  

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Category: Pharmacology & Therapeutics

Title: JNC 8 Recommendations for Hypertension

Keywords: Hypertension, treatment (PubMed Search)

Posted: 12/21/2013 by Michael Bond, MD (Updated: 7/22/2024)
Click here to contact Michael Bond, MD

JNC8 (the Eigth Joint National Commission) released their recommendations for blood pressure management this week. The full article as published in JAMA can be found at

Highlights from this report are

  • Older adults do not need to be placed on antihypertensive medications unless their SBP > 150 or DBP > 90. 
  • Younger patients should still be started if their SBP > 140 or DBP > 90.
  • Firstline drug treatment recommendations are:
    • Non-black patients: start with thiazide diuretics, calcium channel blockers, angiotension converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, or angiotension-receptor blockers (ARBs).
    • For black patients start with thiazide diuretics or calcium channel blockers.
    • Patients with chronic kidney disease should be on an ACE or ARB.

General Pearl:  Remember to be cautious in acutely lowering the blood pressure in asymptomatic patients.  Acute lowerings can cause watershed ischemia leading to strokes.

Category: Pediatrics

Title: Growth parameters - corrected

Posted: 12/20/2013 by Jenny Guyther, MD (Updated: 7/22/2024)
Click here to contact Jenny Guyther, MD


Please see below for the correct information.
-Birth weight doubles by 4 months, triples by 12 months and quadruples by 24 months
-After age 2, normal weight gain averages 5 pounds per year until adolescence
-Birth length increases by 50% at 1 year
-Birth length doubles by 4 years and triples by 13 years
-After age 2, average height increases by 2 inches per year until adolescence

Category: Toxicology

Title: Methoxetamine - A New "Legal" High from the Internet

Keywords: ketamine, methoxetamine (PubMed Search)

Posted: 12/19/2013 by Fermin Barrueto, MD (Updated: 7/22/2024)
Click here to contact Fermin Barrueto, MD

A new drug is coming onto the drug scene with some case reports beginning to build. The internet appears to have been a major driver or mode of distribution for this particular drug.

One study of users showed that this ketamine analog has more vivid hallucinations that would liken it to LSD. It has been theorized that this drug has the dissociative effects of ketamine but also has prominent serotninergic effects making additions more likely and hallucinations possible.

If you see a case in your ED, you can say you heard it here first!

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Category: International EM

Title: Poliomyelitis

Keywords: Polio, Viral, Infectious, Outbreak (PubMed Search)

Posted: 12/18/2013 by Andrea Tenner, MD
Click here to contact Andrea Tenner, MD

In November 2013, the CDC issued multiple Alerts on various polio outbreaks in Asia and Africa.  Countries currently with the heaviest burden are Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Kenya, and Cameroon. Nigeria and Afghanistan have also had persistent epidemics.

General Information:

  • 95% of Polio cases are asymptomatic. (Not important clinically, but important for transmission)
    • 4-8% present with non-specific flu-like symptoms +/- nuchal rigidity
    • Only 1% have the classic syndrome of flaccid limb paralysis with decreased limb reflexes
    • Paralysis may affect respiratory muscles leading to respiratory failure and death
  • Treatment is supportive, but immunization of contacts is important

Relevance to the EM Physician:

The diagnosis can be made by detecting:

  • Virus in stool sample or a nasopharyngeal swap is sensitive and specific in all patients.
  • Polio antibodies in the patient’s serum is sensitive and specific in symptomatic patients.

The CSF analysis results will resemble that of aseptic meningitis.

Bottom Line:

Have a high suspicion for travellers to affected regions and recognize the high prevalence of asymptomatic infection (and thus importable epidemic potential). Pre-travel vaccination is essential.


University of Maryland Section of Global Emergency Health

Author: Walid Hammad, MB ChB

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Category: Critical Care

Title: Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE)

Keywords: Hepatic encephalopathy, HE, liver failure, cirrhosis (PubMed Search)

Posted: 12/17/2013 by Feras Khan, MD (Updated: 7/22/2024)
Click here to contact Feras Khan, MD

Hepatic Encephalopathy (HE)

Pathogenesis: Several theories exist that include accumulation of ammonia from the gut because of impaired hepatic clearance that can lead to accumulation of glutamine in brain astrocytes leading to swelling in patients with hepatic insufficiency from acute liver failure or cirrhosis.

Clinical Features:

  • Impaired mental status
  • impaired neuromotor function (hyperreflexia, hypertonicity, asterixis)
  • Subtle signs include personality changes, decreased energy level, and impaired sleep-wake cycle

Diagnostic tests: Ammonia levels are routinely drawn but must be drawn correctly without the use of a tourniquet, transported on ice, and analyzed within 20 minutes to get an accurate result. Severity of HE does not correlate with increasing levels.


1.     Airway protection as needed

2.     Correct precipitating factors (GI bleed, infection-SBP, hypovolemia, renal failure)

3.     Consider neuro-imaging if new focal neurologic findings are found on exam

4.     Correct electrolyte imbalances

5.     Lactulose by mouth (PO/Naso-gastric tube or Rectally)

a.     10-30 g every 1-2 hours until bowel movement or lactulose enema (300 mL in 1 L water)

b.     Facilitates conversion of NH3 to NH4+, decreases survival of urease-producing bacteria in the gut

6.     Rifaximin 550 mg by mouth BID (minimally absorbed antibiotic with broad-spectrum activity)

7.     Do not limit protein intake acutely

8.     TIPS reduction in certain patients with recurrent HE

9.     Transplant referral as needed

10.  Consider other causes if patient does not improve within 24-48hrs. 

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46 year-old female found unresponsive at a party. EMS transports the patient in cardiac arrest. A parasternal-long axis view of the heart is obtained during the pulse check. What's the diagnosis?


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Category: Orthopedics

Title: Osteoarthritis - Part 1

Keywords: Osteoarthritis, treatment (PubMed Search)

Posted: 12/14/2013 by Brian Corwell, MD (Updated: 7/22/2024)
Click here to contact Brian Corwell, MD

Treating knee osteoarthritis - from the American College of Rheumatology 

Exercise whether it be aquatic, aerobic (land -based) or resistance can decrease pain and improve functional capacity. Exercise should be performed 3 to 5 times a week. Effects are usually noted after 3 to 6 months.

Weight loss of 5% or greater body weight is associated with a small improvement in pain and physical function. The main benefit of weight loss has more to do to effects on co-morbid conditions.

Walking aids: A single crutch or cane should be held on the side contralateral to the affected knee and should be advanced with the affected limb when walking to reduce the load on the affected joint. 

Cane sizing: The distance from the floor to the patient's greater trochanter (brings the elbow to 15º to 20º of flexion.

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  • Significant morbidity and mortality has been consistently documented in pediatric sickle cell patients due to overwhelming sepsis from encapsulated organisms, especially S. pneumoniae
  • All pediatric sickle cell patients presenting with fevers greater than 101.5F (38.6C) should receive antibiotics within 60 minutes of triage.
  • Historically, and still in many pediatric sickle cell centers, ceftriaxone (75mg/kg/dose) is administered
  • However, reported cases of deadly intravascular hemolysis in pediatric sickle cell patients whom had recieved multiple doses of ceftriaxone has led to new recommendations for antibiotic coverage to include cefuroxime (200mg/kg/day) or ampicillin/sulbactam (200mg/kg/day)

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Category: Toxicology

Title: Utility of Pre-4 Hour Acetaminophen Levels

Keywords: acetaminophen, Rumack-Matthew nomogram (PubMed Search)

Posted: 12/7/2013 by Bryan Hayes, PharmD (Emailed: 12/12/2013) (Updated: 12/12/2013)
Click here to contact Bryan Hayes, PharmD

Can acetaminophen concentrations < 100 mcg/mL obtained between 1-4 hours after acute ingestion accurately predict a nontoxic 4-hour concentration? NO!

Despite a high negative predictive value, a new study found there are still cases with toxic concentrations after 4 hours despite earlier levels < 100 mcg/mL. 

The Rumack-Matthew nomogram is to be utilized starting at 4 hours after an acute acetaminophen ingestion. Unless the concentration is zero, a second level must be drawn at 4 hours if an earlier one is positive.

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General  Info:
  • Chikungunya Virus (CHIKV): transmitted by day-biting mosquito.
  • Primarily seen in Asia, sub-Saharan Africa, France, Italy, but the first cases in the Western Hemisphere (the Caribbean) were reported this week.

Clinical Presentation:

  • Similar to dengue: fever, headache, muscle pain, rash, joint pain, mild bleeding dyscrasia
  • Prolonged, incapacitating joint pain often seen


  • Based off of clinical features, travel to affected area
  • ELISA available through CDC


  • Supportive: fever reducers, fluids, avoid aspirin

Bottom line:

Chikungunya virus can cause symptoms similar to dengue fever but is not as deadly. This week the first cases of CHIKV were reported in the Caribbean. Consider this in travelers returning from endemic areas.

Distinguishing features:

  • Pain is more intense and localized to joints and tendons in CHIKV
  • Onset of fever is more acute and duration is shorter in CHIKV
  • Shock or severe hemorrhage is rare in CHIKV

University of Maryland Section for Global Emergency Health

Author: Andi Tenner, MD, MPH, FACEP

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Category: Critical Care

Title: The CORE Scan

Posted: 12/10/2013 by Mike Winters, MBA, MD (Updated: 7/22/2024)
Click here to contact Mike Winters, MBA, MD

The Concentrated Overview of Resuscitative Efforts (CORE) Scan

  • Ultrasound has become an essential tool in the evaluation and management of the crashing patient.
  • The CORE scan utilizes emergency bedside ultrasonography to systematically evaluate and resuscitate the rapidly deteriorating patient.
  • Essentially steps in the CORE scan include:
    • Endotracheal tube assessment
    • Lung assessment
      • Pneumothorax?
      • Pleural effusion?
      • Hemothorax?
    • Cardiac assessment
      • Pericardial effusion?
      • Massive PE?
      • Estimated ejection fraction?
    • Aorta assessment
      • Abdominal aortic aneurysm?
      • Aortic dissection?
    • IVC assessment
    • Abdominal assessment
      • Intraperitoneal fluid?

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37 year-old male presents with cough and a fever. What's the diagnosis and name three risk factors assiciated with disease?

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Category: Cardiology

Title: The HEART score for ED patients with Chest Pain

Keywords: ACS, Chest Pain, HEART score (PubMed Search)

Posted: 12/8/2013 by Ali Farzad, MD (Updated: 3/10/2014)
Click here to contact Ali Farzad, MD

The diagnosis of non-STE ACS can be difficult to exclude in ED patients with chest pain. Consequently, over-diagnosis and unnecessary treatment are common. Risk stratification tools (ie. TIMIGRACE) have been created to help risk stratify ACS patients and predict mortality. However, they are of limited utility in the ED and do not effectively differentiate low to intermediate risk patients in all-comers with chest pain.  
The HEART score was recently prospectively validated in an ED population and was able to quickly and reliably predict risk of major adverse cardiac events (MACE - AMI, PCI, CABG, & Death). 
  • 5 practical considerations (History, ECG, Age, Risk factors, & Troponin) are scored (0,1,or 2 points each) depending on the extent of the abnormality.
  • A HEART score (0-10) can be quickly determined without complex calculations
  • Low scores (0-3) exclude short term MACE with >98% certainty
  • High scores (7-10) have high (>50%) MACE rates
  • The HEART score performed significantly better than TIMI and GRACE scores 

Bottom-line: The HEART score can help to objectively risk stratify ED patients with chest pain into low, intermediate, and high risk groups. Using the HEART score can also facilitate more efficient and effective communication with colleagues.


Want more emergency cardiology pearls? Follow me @alifarzadmd


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1312081410_International_Journal_of_Cardiology_2013_Backus.pdf (371 Kb)

1312081419_Neth_Heart_J_2008_Six.pdf (144 Kb)

Category: Pharmacology & Therapeutics

Title: Add Atypical Coverage for Healthcare-Associated Pneumonia Patients

Keywords: healthcare-associated pneumonia, HCAP, atypical, macrolide, fluoroquinolone (PubMed Search)

Posted: 12/2/2013 by Bryan Hayes, PharmD (Emailed: 12/7/2013) (Updated: 12/7/2013)
Click here to contact Bryan Hayes, PharmD

In a potentially ground breaking study of healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP) patients, atypical pathogens were identified in 10% of cases!

Application to clinical practice: Add atypical coverage with a macrolide or respiratory fluoroquinolone for HCAP patients who have been in the community for any length of time.

The study also identified HCAP patients who may not require 3 'big gun' broad-spectrum antibiotics. This is a practice changing article for ED providers. For more analysis of the study, please note the bonus reading links below.

Bonus reading:

Dr. Emily Heil (@emilylheil) analyzes the full study in more depth at Academic Life in Emergency Medicine:

Dr. Ryan Radecki (@emlitofnote) critiques the study at Emergency Medicine Literature of Note:

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Category: Pharmacology & Therapeutics

Title: Edoxaban, a new Xa inhibitor

Keywords: oral anticoagulant,edoxaban,atrial fibrillation,stroke,Xa (PubMed Search)

Posted: 12/5/2013 by Ellen Lemkin, MD, PharmD
Click here to contact Ellen Lemkin, MD, PharmD

It has linear, predictable pharmacokinetics, achieves maximal concentration within 1-2 hours, is 50% renally excreted, and has a half life is 9-11 hours.

Edoxaban was evaluated in a recent trial comparing warfarin in patients with atrial fibrillation.

The primary end point or first stroke or systemic pulmonary embolic event occurred in 1.5% with warfarin, compared with 1.18% in the high dose edoxaban (HR 0.79; 97.5% CI 0.63-0.99, P<0.001). In the intention to treat there were trends favoring high dose edoxaban and unfavorable trends with the lower dose.

The principal safety end point of major bleeding occurred in 3.43% with warfarin versus 2.75% with high dose edoxaban (HR 0.86; 95% CI 0.71-0.91, P<0.001). 

Bottom line: Both high dose (60 mg) and low dose (30 mg) edoxaban were non-inferior to warfarin with prevention of stroke or systemic emboli, and were associated with significantly lower rates of bleeding and death from cardiovascular causes.

Currently it is approved for use in Japan.

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